Friday, 3 October 2014

Binary Options Robot and AutoTraders

What Is A Binary Options Robot

 I had never come across the term until a few weeks ago. I was so curious. Aside from my first humorous visions of actual robots trading binary options I was not that surprised by what I found. Robots are nothing more than signal providers and auto-traders. A rose by a different name, almost. Robots are a little more advanced than a simple signal service and are a very unique form of trading. These newly evolving services combine a signal with an auto-traders. Automatic trading is not strange to the investment world, just something new to binary options.
How these Robots and AutoTraders Work

In order to fully go about how robot trading works I started with a simple Google search for binary options robots. I chose the best looking result from the SERP and here's what I got from my findings. is an automated signal service provider and binary options robot. This website is a service for binary traders that places trades automatically into their accounts. It is not the same as copy trading. With copy trading trades execute into your account through a link. Any accounts linked to a copy trade account execute all the trades of the master account. A binary options robot is a program that literally takes over your computer, can you believe that!
It may sound crazy but it’s true. A robot is a third part program that you download onto your computer. In order for it work you must log into the robot AND have your binary options account open as well. The robot program detects compatible trading platforms and takes control. Any signals generated by the service are picked up by your robot.  The robot then enters trade information like asset, amount, direction and expiration. It then clicks the enter button and your trade is set.
I was concerned at first that my computer might be unusable all day if I were to use the robot but that is not the case. The robot runs quietly in the back ground letting you use your machine as needed. Another advantage of a robot over a copy trader or other SSP is account compatibility. Most robots can be used with different platforms. Most Binary Auto Traders can be used with platforms like TF Tech Financials (24Option) and  SpotOption.

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