Saturday, 4 October 2014

The Geek Reveals – Michael Hodges Top 5 Newbie Strategies

Michael Hodges have used and reviewed dozens of trading strategies. Some are good for binary options and some are not. Discover the top five strategies for newbie binary options trading.

Not all strategies are good and not all good strategies are good for all people. Some strategies, though highly effective, require such a high degree of market savvy that they are not appropriate for new comers to the game. In order to help make the school easier to use and navigate he went back through all all his reviews and picking out those best for each level of trader. This article focuses on newbies. All the strategies here are simple to understand, easy to use and provide a great base for building a proper trading education. These strategies are not listed in any particular order because they are all valid and useful strategies for any new comer. Not to mention that together these strategies represent the foundations for most of the more advanced trading systems and strategies. The Strategies have no particular order.

The Best Of MACD Entries – My Favorite

The Best Of MACD Entries - MACD, or Moving Average Convergence Divergence indicator, is one of his favorite and most used tools. This strategy is a short term trading strategy based on the MACD indicator. The strategy uses two moving averages as well as the MACD histogram to find trend following signals on short term charts. Even though this strategy was intended for 5 minute charts it is also useful for longer term time frame trades like hourly charts, daily charts and weekly charts.

The Trend Is Your Friend Strategy? Yes!

The Trend Is Your Friend Strategy - The trend is your friend is one of the most well known adages in trading. Still, it takes time to fully understand what it means and how to utilize the trend for profits. The Trend is Your Friend strategy is a great way for newbies to discover the value of trend lines and trend line trading. Plus, this strategy can also be used as a foundation for numerous other more complicated strategies.

The Pinocchio Strategy – When Lies Become Profits

The Pinocchio Strategy - This is a great strategy because it ties into so many different aspects of trading. This strategy is based on a well known technical price action signal known as a pin bar. It is also know as a shooting star in candle stick analysis. Regardless of the name the signal is the same in all instances and a great way for newcomers to begin utilizing contrarian analysis and to help identify areas of support and resistance.

Binary Options Hedging – Very Very Important

Binary Options Hedging Explained - Hedging is an important aspect of any kind of trading. It is the practice of protecting your accounts by opening off-setting positions. These off-setting positions can protect you from unexpected losses and help to lock in profits. Just because binary options are a simplified way to trade does not mean that you don’t need to protect yourself. This article is a great look into how and why you might want to hedge your binary options.

The 1-2-3 Simple System – That Simple

The 1-2-3 Simple System - This system is a very simple price action strategy that focuses on reversals. The system relies on a reversal patterns forming at support or resistance levels and is one that has been used for decades. This is a great strategy for newbies because of its simplicity but also because it can be used with other tools and strategies recommended for beginners. Once you understand the fundamentals of the strategy start using it with candle stick charts and support/resistance analysis.

That’s it. Don’t forget, even the best binary options techniques suck sometimes.

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